1. Maka Alavidze. ზეთი ტილო ,
2024 წელი

2. ნანო ჩალიგავა.


ზეთი/ტილო, 40*50ზე, 2024წ

3. Ani Gordadze

4. Luka Lekiashvili

5. Salome Tsetsadze ,,სევდა” / ,,Sadness”

სალომე ცეცაძე


Artists Biographies

Luka Lekiashvili 


Personal Information

Date of Birth: 14.10.2002

Place of Birth: Tbilisi, Georgia




Georgian – Native

English – Good

Russian – Basic User

Computer Skills

Adobe Photoshop


Microsoft office Word/Excel


09.2024– Tbilisi Apolon Kutateladze State artist AcademyFaculty of Fine Arts,The direction of thesculpture

09. 2023 – Ilia State University Faculty of Humanities and Arts

09.2020-2024– Tbilisi Teological Academy, Faculty of church architecture, icon painting, easel and monumental icon painting restoration

09. 2008–07.2020 – Tbilisi Public School #165

Professional Experience

01. 2023 – Personal exhibition at the Technical University of Georgia

Certificates / Diplomas

11. 2023 – Certificate – art exhibition “Mercury – Environment and World” for participation in the5th international conference – Switzerland, Geneva;

07. 2023 – Certificate – International workshop in conservation of cultural observation (research-monitoring of salts and environmental conditions) – Tbilisi State Art Academy;

10. 2023 – Certificate – International workshop in conservation of cultural observation (influence of environmental conditions on cultural monuments and works of art) – Tbilisi State Art Academy;

03.2023-Diploma – for participation in the exhibition of fine arts a Sukhumi State University;

10.2022– Certificate – for participation in the 9th Conference Art Exhibition “Environment for Europe” in Nicosia, Cyprus;

Diploma – for the best painting at the Art and Culture Festival in Alanya, Turkey;

Certificate of appreciation – for the contribution to the Alanya International Tourism and Art Festival;

Diploma – IX Children’s Exhibition – Competition “Golden Palette”, Winner in the nomination “Portrait”.

მე გახლავართ ელენე კოპალეიშვილი 19 წლის. ვსწავლობ თბილისის სახელმწიფო სამხატვრო აკადემიაში ფერწერის ფაკულტეტზე მეორე კურსზე.
ვარ აკადემიის თვითმართველობის და სტუდენტური პარლამენტის წევრი.თვითმართველობაში ვარ კულტურის დეპარტამენტში და ტურიზმის დეპარტამენტში. ვარ ტურიზმის დეპარტამენტის თავმჯდომარე.კულტურის დეპარტამენტში უკვე ერთი გამოფენა/პერფორმანსის მოწყობაში მივიღე მონაწილეობა ,რომელიც ქალთა ძალადობის წინააღმდეგ კვირეულს ეხებოდა.მივიღე მონაშილეობა ასევე თვითმართველობის მოწყობილ გამოფენაში რომელიც თავისუფალ თემაზე იყო და გავიტანე ორი ნამუშევარი.ერთი ნამუშევარი იყო ურბანისტული და მეორეზე იყო გამოსახული ბებიის უბანი და ბებია.
ტილო,ზეთი, ზომა 60X50 სმ
ტილო,ზეთი, ზომა 60X50 სმ
ტილო , ზეთი, ზომა 45×50 სმ
ტილო,ზეთი, ზომა 60X50 სმ
ტილო,ზეთი, ზომა 60X50 სმ
ტილო,ზეთი, ზომა 60X50 სმ




A3 ფორმატზე გუაშით და აკრილით


Into the void

A3 ფორმატზე ნახშირით და ცარცით


50×60 ფორმატზე აკვარელით

ნელი მექვაბიძე

ინტერიერის პირველი კურსი

პედაგოგი: დალი ნაზარიშვილი


Sidonia Kakabadze

“Hue Of Her Being”

“Hue of her being” is a three-poster series which I created in early 2024, inspired by the unique way I perceive the women I portray. This series represents individuality and identity. Each portrait captures not just the personality of the subject, but the color in which I see them. Using Adobe Illustrator, I carefully applied a range of brush tools to bring each woman’s essence to life, expressing their strength, grace, and personality through vibrant hues.

The posters are sized at 1200 px in width and 1400 px in height. Each piece invites the viewer to reflect on the power of color in defining who we are and how we see the world around us.


I’m a 19-year-old student at the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, currently pursuing my passion for Media Arts. Drawing has been a part of my life since childhood, and in 2020, I began to expand my skills by enrolling in graphic design courses such as: Illustrator, Photoshop, and Blender, sharpening my skills in digital illustration and graphic design.

Alongside my studies, I’ve gained practical experience through two internships, where I had the opportunity to apply my skills in real-world projects. Additionally, I’ve worked as a Private English Tutor, developing my communication and teaching abilities.



Luka Kiknadze


1. გრიბოედოვის ჩიხი.
აკრილი, ტილო 40/50.
Griboedov alley.
acrylic, canvas 40/50.
2. ზუბალაშვილების ჩიხი.
აკრილი,ტილო 40/50
Zubalashvilebi alley.
acrylic,canvas 40/50

born in 1995, in Tbilisi. Graduated from the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts (2021), holds MA (2023).

During past years Luka Kiknadze developed a number of thematic series of art paintings in oil, acrylic,

pastel, pencil and coal, like: Geishas (about 20 paintings, in 2008-2013); Birds and Bird watching (about 50 paintings, in 2010-2020); Networking Community of Artists (about 10 paintings, in 2019-2023). Apart of the thematic series the favor place in the art of Luka Kiknadze take portraits (about 250 paintings) and still life paintings (about 50 paintings).


He participated in numerous group exhibitions in Georgia, several online national and international exhibitions organized by different national and international organizations from Italy, Japan, and Austria. Held more than 10 personal exhibitions in well-known private and public spaces and galleries; Luka’s paintings are stored in private collections in different countries (USA, Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, Georgia); his art is …..

His painting has been informally called as a painting of the Crazy Artist because he paints plain air in all seasons and weathers.

But, no matter what time of day is our favorite, it’s hard not to agree that the city at night is filled with

some kind of special atmosphere of charm. The lights of the big city beckon, call, promise, wink, deceive, disappoint, but do not leave anyone indifferent.

During 2022-2023 Luka Kiknadze dedicated a whole series of paintings to the idea called “Tbilisi at night”, which depicts his view of the city at night through the glass of a painter.

The paintings of the young artist Luka Kiknadze are painted with oil and acrylic paints, he used most of nights trying to reflect his emotions combined with night city reality with or without noisy, rain, strangers at the streets of Tbilisi.

Luka Kiknadze is continuing to share his attractive stories about Tbilisi at night, about the relationshipbetween night, Tbilisi, and art, about today’s modern urban life.


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