„Erlöse vor den Teufeln unserer Seele“ 70x50cm. Coffee and Acrylfarbe on Carboard
In diesem eindrucksvollen Werk, ausgeführt in Acryl und Kaffee auf Karton, entfaltet sich eine düstere, beinahe surreale Szenerie. Die Komposition ist in tiefem Schwarz gehalten, wodurch die weißen Silhouetten – Teufel und eine nackte Frau mit dem Rücken zum Betrachter – kraftvoll hervortreten. Die Frau sitzt regungslos, in stiller Konfrontation mit der Dunkelheit, während die Teufelsgestalten um sie herum eine unheimliche Präsenz verkörpern. Eine Treppe zieht sich in die Tiefe der Perspektive hinauf und verschwindet im Ungewissen, was die Atmosphäre von Rätselhaftigkeit und Bedrohung verstärkt.
Im Kontrast zu der düsteren Szene erhebt sich über allem eine weiße Taube, erleuchtet vom kalten Mondlicht, als Symbol für Hoffnung und Frieden. Diese Taube, die inmitten der Nacht schwebt, bringt eine zarte Balance in die dunkle Welt, die das Werk durch seine stilisierte Einfachheit und den starken Schwarz-Weiß-Kontrast zu einem poetischen und symbolischen Bild der Gegensätze macht.
Die Künstlerin Glonti schrieb zu Ihr Werk folgendes: Allein zu leben ist eine Entscheidung, denn die Freiheit der Seele steht für mich an erster Stelle. Um jedoch in Würde zu leben, stehen wir im Leben bereits vor
vielen Schwierigkeiten. Das Gemälde entstand ausschließlich aus meine
Erfahrungen und Emotionen.
Ich habe mehr als 5 Jahre über die Thematik nachgedacht, und in 2 Tagen
umgesetzt. Das Gemälde
wurde in den Athener Katalog „Moderne Kunst" 2020 aufgenommen.
იცხოვრო მარტოხელად--ეგაა არჩევანი, რადგან სულის თავისუფლებას პირველ პრიორიტეტად აყენებ.თუმცა იცხოვრო ღირსეულად,უკვე ბევრ სირთულეებს აწყდები ცხოვრებაში. ნახატი შექმნილია მთლიანად ემოციის ფონზე. 5 წელზე მეტი ვფიქრობდი ამ შედეგის მისაღებად და
2 დრეში მივეცი ნამუშევარს სრული სახე. ნახატი 2020 წლის კატალოგში მოხვდა, ათენში. სათაურით: "თანამედროვე ხელოვნები ".
I am Georgian. I have been living in Athens for 19 years. I am a self-taught artist. My style is visual and abstract art. I create works with coffee powder and acrylic. (I want to know if artists use similar techniques.) On December 21, 2023, for the first time, I took part in an event organized by the Embassy of Georgia, which was very impressive. An exhibition was held there, where Georgian artists – artists working in Greece – participated.My creative arena first started with the organization of “Art Way” where I took part in group exhibitions. The exhibition was held at the Creators Gallery, Nea Kifissia on June 16-18, 2020.A group exhibition was held in “Gallery Art”. In July 2020 in Keramiko #16.
Group exhibition “Art Gallery 35” – September 12-16, 2020. Theme (art – breath of life)
I was invited to the HIGH TV channel “Asteria” program. The program was hosted by the journalist Nansy Koutsiou and three of my works were discussed: 1) Childhood friends 2) The voice of the soul from the devils 3) Sometimes being in captivity is a lighter punishment than true freedom. It was in April 2021.In May 2021, an online exhibition of visual art was held by “Art way”. Theme – visible and invisible art.
In June 2021, the online exhibition “Art Way” was held again. The topic was – (beyond the walls)where 4 of my works were presented, which were then included in the catalog of the same year. Under the title: (Modern Greek artists).
In August 2021, my first personal exhibition was held at the Kobuleti Art Museum (the director of the museum – Mr. Rezo Takidze). After the end, journalist Levan Uridia from Adjara TV interviewed me, where I talked about my technique and how I create works with coffee powder and acrylic. The commemorative diploma was presented to me by Mrs. Madonna Basiladze, the chairman of the Kobuleti Municipality Tourism and Culture Commission.In September 2021, a grand exhibition was held at the seaside villa of the Greek artist and designer Ian Thradis in Rafina. The theme was: (on a vast blue background).
I participated in the event “Tbilisoba 2021” organized by the Embassy of Georgia.
From February 28 to March 3, 2022, the theme of the online exhibition was (Art-Light-Hope).
In December 2022, the Οσσρια publishing house held an exhibition with the theme (Eternal Journey to Light) and one of my works was printed on the page of the 2023 calendar by the same publishing house. The artist and poet (Mr. Leontios Petmesas) made a speech.
In January 2023, another exhibition was held at the cultural center Nea Eritrea Villa Costa with the theme (Art – the invincible sense of infinity)
In March 2023, in the culture center of Ghalatsi municipality “kamini” topic: (when art celebrates)On December 16, 2023, I participated online in the Gallery of the Union of Georgian Artists “Opizar” and got to know the audience. 3 of my works were presented there.
In March 2024, I took part in a group exhibition called “Woman is Life” by Art Way.
Group exhibition in France in April 2024. In particular in Paris “Galerie Beaute Du Matin Calme”.
in Gallery Art 16
I am the owner of several certificates and diplomas. Paintings are sold to private individuals, at exhibitions both in Greece and abroad.
My horoscope is Aquarius
Favorite number is 7
Favorite color – green
Favorite fruit – apple
Sport – yoga
I love seafood dishes, fish and a variety of salads.
Georgian wine – Aladasturi